Over the course of his career in law, Jerome Godinich has remained firmly dedicated to community service and charitable giving. Jerome Godinich contributes to a diverse array of nonprofit groups, including the Archaeological Institute of America (AIA). The oldest and largest archeology organization in North America, the AIA dedicates itself to promoting archeology as a way of preserving and gathering human knowledge.

To accomplish its mission, the AIA organizes a wide range of workshops, including the Linked Ancient World Data Institute. Sponsored by Drew University and the Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, the workshop discusses the development of digital resources that connect information based on individual items and common concepts. The workshop focuses primarily on the Ancient Near East and the Ancient Mediterranean, which contain a considerable amount of archeological coverage, a rich history of exploration, and a large quantity of digital resources.

To learn more about the workshops sponsored by the Archaeological Institute of America, visit archaeological.org.